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Courage + Khazaka electronic GmbH

Software MPA CTplus

Sophisticated software for the C+K probe family

This software is a revolutionary step into a modern use of the C+K probe family and offers a variety of  convenient features to facilitate your work.

Main advantages at a glance

  • For the first time Cutometer® and all other scientific C+K probes can be operated in one software easily and conveniently.
  • Software works with any MPA systems and Cutometer® Dual MPA 580 as well as Multi Display Devices (MDD) and supports several devices at the same time. It also supports the Meibometer® MB 560.



MPA 10

MPA 10

Cutometer® Dual MPA 580

Cutometer® Dual MPA 580



Multi Display Device MDD

Multi Display Device MDD

  • MPACTplus connected probesConvenient, intuitive, modern software, easy to navigate.
  • Perform free measurements anywhere, with any probe in any order or use the study manager to design your study and save as many clicks & as much time as possible.
  • Easy organization of the measurements in sessions and takes.
  • Graphical display of the measurements and numerical result values side by side.
  • When the Ambient Condition Sensor RHT 400 is connected, relative humidity and temperature are constantly recorded and saved with the measurements.

MPACTplus ambient conditions

  • Tags: new, modern way of identifying measurements in the database.
  • All information go into the database, convenient possibility of filtering the data you want to export for statistical analysis with special export assistant.
  • Easy and self-explanatory check calibration function for the probes with report.MPACTplus check calibration
  • New, exciting additional aging-parameters for the Cutometer®.MPACTplus - new parameter: maximum collagen power
  • Graphic explanation of complex results.
  • Intelligent software displaying messages MPACTplus messageuseful for handling or servicing the probe.

Structure of the software

To facilitate your work, the measurement window is MPACTplus session exampleorganized as a session. A session corresponds to measurements on one subject in a point in time (T).

A session can consist of several takes. A take is the measurement with one probe on one skin area. In one take several measurements can be performed, e.g. 3 measurements on adjacent skin areas.
Thus all measurements for a subject in T can be performed quickly and easily.
MPACTplus measurement session

Study Manager

  • Create a study beforehand: designed to make life easy and save time during work as only a minimum of clicks is needed.
  • Select probe(s) for one session (subject/T) & configure their use.
  • Select number of measurements per probe/site, e.g. 3 Corneometer® measurements at adjacent sites. Then, after the 3 measurements are performed, automatically the next measurement window (here Cutometer®) will open.
  • Tag the different takes: e.g. with skin area, product type, etc. When measurements are performed their identification tags are automatically added.
  • Attach files to your study (e.g. explanations for the operator, photos about application of products or sketches of the measurement set-up, etc.). Those files can be opened for further information in the measurement menu.
  • Add subjects beforehand or anytime during your work in the program. Once created, they will be available for all sessions.
MPACTplus study manager


Modern, easy and quick way to identify MPACTplus tagsmeasurements in the database. Examples for tags: product/control, skin site, explanation of the respective T, concentration of active ingredient, etc.
Create tags anytime during your work in the program. Once created, they are available for all measurements.


The software MPA CTplus offers a function (optionally)MPACTplus tolerance to show measurements on one skin area which are out of a certain range (with regards to the average) in a different color. Thus you can identify possible artefacts (e.g. probe was placed incorrectly or a hair got in the way, etc.) and delete/replace them.

Database – Filter & Export exactly to your needs

  • All information about the measurements (results, probe settings, operator, etc.) go into the common database.
  • Select measurements there and view them in detail together with their results side by side.
  • Sort and filter the sessions to export them into an Excel® spreadsheet (e.g. by a certain study, by person(s), by probe or time period).
  • A sophisticated export assistant function allows you to only export those results that you really want to work on statistically (e.g. only averages or only certain parameters).
  • The created Excel®-files contain the results of all measurements and if needed also raw data of curves, charts and images of the measurements.
All measurements go into one database
See measurements & details side by side
a sophisticated export assistant helps to export only the values/results you are really interested in
conveniently arranged Excel® sheets show details, results, raw data, images and charts

Working with the wireless probes - Software MPA WLplus

The C+K wireless probes are also supported byMPA WLplus software for the C+K wireless probes modern, intuitive software that offers the advantages of MPA CTplus and is specially adapted to the requirements of these instruments.
The most important advantages of MPA WLplus at a glance:
  • Modern software that is easy to navigate.MPA WLplus measurements
  • Perform free measurements with all available probes or design your study in advance to save time with as few clicks as possible.
  • Clear organization of measurements into sessions and takes.
  • Graphical display of measurements and result MPA WLplus calibration pHvalues side by side.
  • The program's database contains all information about the measurements. Conveniently filter out the data you want to export for statistical calculations.
  • Simple, illustrated step-by-step check calibration* function for the probes** with storable report.
  • and much more ...
* calibration for Skin-pH-Meter pH 905
**except for Skin-Thermometer ST 500 WL
If you are already working with the C+K wireless probes, download a demo version and ask for a license offer.


The software is license-based and a license for MPA CTplus comes with every MPA/MDD system (a license for MPA WLplus with every Radio Recever RR 200 unit). Download the software for a 10 days trial from our download section for registered customers.

Ask for a license offer now.

To work with the program, you will need a computer with the following configuration:

Windows® 10/11

  • Screen resolution: minimum 1280 x 720, recommended 1920 x 1080
  • USB 2.0 / 3.0 connection(s)
  • CPU: Intel i3/i5/i7 3rd generation, AMD Phenom II X4, or higher
  • Optional dedicated graphics card for smoother curve visualization
  • RAM: 4GB
  • a programme to open Microsoft Excel® files is recommended to see exported results

The software MPA CTplus supports all C+K probes:

The programme MPA WLplus supports all C+K wireless probea:

Courage+Khazaka electronic GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Str. 91
50829 Köln, Germany
Phone: +49-221-9564990
Fax: +49-221-9564991
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