Skin-Thermometer ST 500
Assessing Skin Temperature and Microcirculation
The Skin-Thermometer ST 500 is a quick, easy and economical tool to measure the skin temperature which is an indicator of the skin's microcirculation.
Advantages of the Skin-Thermometer

- It allows very quick measurements (1 s).
- Continuous measurements over a longer time period can optionally be performed.
- The probe is small and lightweight for easy handling and measurement on all body sites.
- The touchless measurement ensures no influences on the skin's micro circulation.
- Ideal for comparison measurements on different body sites.
- The probe head can easily be cleaned after each measurement.

Fields of Applications
The probe finds its field of application everywhere where differences in the skin temperature and the skin microcirculation are of interest.

- Ideal accompanying measurement for other parameters. E.g. skin hydration is very different with different skin temperature.
- It is a valuable tool for efficacy testing and claim support for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
- Typical claims (examples) substantiated with the Skin-Thermometer: micro circulation enhancing (skin and scalp), anti-cellulite, supports healing, warming/cooling, thermal protection, and more.
- In dermatology and occupational medicine it gives information for basic research.
Technical Data
Probe only:
Dimensions: 13 cm, Cable length: approx. 1.3 m, Measuring surface: Ø 2.4 cm, Weight: 85 g incl. cable
Measurement principle: infrared, Resolution: 0.1°C, Range: 22-40° C, Measurement uncertainty for absolute temperature measurements: ± 0.8° C, Repeatability of temperature measurements: ± 0.15 K (3σ), Measurement uncertainty of temperature differences: ± 0.21 K (3σ)
For the technical data of the wireless probe, please see Basic Probe Systems.
Technical changes may be made without prior notice.