A Glimpse on a Development to Come...

New system to measure product safety in vitro - the Cellspectrometer CSM 2100
In collaboration with the prestigious Fraunhofer Translational Center for Regenerative Therapies, we are developing the Cellspectrometer CSM 2100 to non-invasively examine in vitro tissue models using impedance spectroscopy. Even the smallest changes in the cellular tissue can be detected via transepithelial/transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER) in up to 24 cultured cell wells simultaneously. As a result, the measured impedance TEER values provide an indispensable parameter for the integrity of the cellular barrier. A patented electrode coating allows an extremely high signal gain, and obtains very precise information about strengthening or damaging of the tissue after incubation with test substances. The non-invasive test procedure enables repeated measurements on the same sample so that regenerative or other long-term effects can be identified.
Stay tuned, there will be more information about this exciting system, which is currently being put to the test by our project partner. Interested in exciting news from this and other application areas? Then subscribe to our Newsletter.